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Phoenix Rising Masonic Lodge Meetings
Stated meetings are on the first Thursday of the month, and are preceded by a dinner that starts at 6:15pm. Masons, their friends and families are cordially invited to the dinners and other events.
Events, Degrees, Practices and other meetings are normally scheduled on the remaining Thursdays starting at 7:00pm. Information about upcoming events can be found in the Trestleboard.
Past Grand Master of Masons of California
Phoenix Rising Lodge is very proud to claim the 1996-97 Grand Master of Masons of California as one of its own: M.W. Allen B. Gresham, who served as Master of the Lodge in 1967 and 1914 Grand Master of Masons of California as one of its own: M.W. Benjamin F Bledsoe, who served as Master of the Lodge in 1908.